Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

Dear Alexa,
     You will be starting a new class called Creative Photography class. It may seem difficult at first but as long as you ask questions and pay attention you can pass. To help try and make some new friends that you can ask for help and anything needed. Don't be afraid to ask Mr. Klein any necessary questions that you may have. Also make sure you pay attention when Mr. Klein goes through how to edit the project or when he is assigning a project. You will also want to check the class blog daily and keep up with any recent posts. Later on you will have an assignment where you use multiple images and put it together. This was probably your best work because you take several photos and were able to put it together to come up with one image. With that being said make sure you manage your time well and have enough time to come up with ideas for assignments.

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