Wednesday, February 26, 2020


To do better in this class I will be putting more effort into my work. I will also try and participate and stay on task during class.

This was said in my 1st semester reflection post. I believe I should receive a B. This is because I have been staying on task and listening but I don't participate as much as I really should. I also have been putting effort and more thoughts on my post.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

Dear Alexa,
     You will be starting a new class called Creative Photography class. It may seem difficult at first but as long as you ask questions and pay attention you can pass. To help try and make some new friends that you can ask for help and anything needed. Don't be afraid to ask Mr. Klein any necessary questions that you may have. Also make sure you pay attention when Mr. Klein goes through how to edit the project or when he is assigning a project. You will also want to check the class blog daily and keep up with any recent posts. Later on you will have an assignment where you use multiple images and put it together. This was probably your best work because you take several photos and were able to put it together to come up with one image. With that being said make sure you manage your time well and have enough time to come up with ideas for assignments.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Importance of Art

     I strongly disagree with the message that I read because I believe that tax dollars should not only be used on workforce. There as many careers that all of these subjects need and teach. We should be able to have the choice of which classes we take in high school. We should not have to be trained to be in the workforce but be able to take classes that revolve around the career. Now training classes to enter the workforce should still be available just as long as there is other options such as art, music, and theatre.
     Creativity and problem solving go along with all these classes and it allows you to have more skills. This is why i believe we should be allowed to have these extra classes and not only workforce training classes. Art programs allow you to think and be creative, this is important for future jobs and a good skill to have.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What is Art? 1

1) The expressions displayed by the models seems to be careless or tired. Both seem to have that kind of normal posture and it shows that they are tired.

2) I believe these images were created with oil paint as you can see all the different colors and how they were used.

3) The colors that were used fit in perfectly with the mood, it allows all the skin tones used to stand out. The red was also a good choice because you can see some red on the women so it matches up and allows the women and background to come together.

4) With these images I believe the artist was trying to convey being tired and wanting a response of people wondering what was trying to be shown.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cubism cont.

Steps that may have been taken by Stephen McNally to create the image "The Tourist" could have started with going at the right time of the day. This is important because you don't want the images too dark. Then he may have taken many photographs to get the right spot and combine with other images. I believe 30 photos or so were used to create this image. Although some of the images were with darker lighting I believe they were all taken during the day then edited. The are obvious photoshop enhancements as a few images are blurred and the lighting is different.