Monday, September 9, 2019

"Lost In The Real World Like Me" Questions

"Lost In The World Like Me"

1) I believe that the video goes to show what is going to happen to us if we let society control us. It is trying to get peoples attention about the things that can occur if we don't make change. For example pollution is becoming a major thing and in the video people are just polluting and don't care because they'd rather worry about how they look on social media.

2) It think the video conveys exactly what it was trying to show and was effective. It shows clearly what can happen in just a few years if we don't change or act on it. 

3) I believe this is more of a cautionary story of our current social situation. This is because you can tell that things that happen in the video are already beginning to show in the real world but we haven't gotten to that point yet. For example everyone is on their phones nowadays and though we aren't as attached as the people in the video it is going to happen if we continue to do so.

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